

Our non-domicile planning service will determine the actions you need to take to ensure that you can benefit from offshore tax planning strategies.

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There is no fixed definition of domicile in UK tax legislation and domicile is distinct from nationality, citizenship and residence.

Our domicile assessment will enable you to manage your personal ties, asset ownership and citizenship status so that you can take the necessary steps to continue using the remittance basis to exempt from incomes & wealth from UK taxation.

Domicile of origin

You acquire your parents domicile (father if married & mother if unmarried) at birth.

Domicile of dependence

You follow your dependant parent’s domicile to the age of 16.

Domicile of choice

You acquire a new domicile through permanently relocating overseas.

Tired of countless Google searches about domicile?

GTC can complete a domicile assessment to determine your domicile status.

If you are non-domiciled, GTC can assist with non dom planning to ensure that you structure your affairs correctly, to obtain and retain tax efficient benefits using the remittance basis.


How is domiciled assessed?

As a starting point, domicile is assessed under judicial common law rules.

There are instances when tax law will deem you as being UK domiciled, even if you are not, which prevents you from accessing the remittance basis and may bring your worldwide estate within the scope of inheritance tax.

What is the standard turnaround time?

We will provide the domicile assessment to you within 10 working days upon receipt of complete information.

Does the domicile assessment include countries other than the UK?

No, the assessment will review your position in the UK only.

I want to become non-domiciled, can you help?

Yes we can provide advice on the steps you need to take to lose your UK domicile status.

What are GTC’s domicile assessment fees?

Our minimum domicile assessment fee is £250.

Our fees are disclosed in our engagement letter and scope of services and you will only be charged if you decide to proceed with our services.

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